Sunday, June 19, 2011

Underwater studies

Drew these up a little while back, finally got around to inking and scanning them. I spelt "squid," wrong I realize.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Did a quick sketch of an eagle today for study, maybe about an hour and a half. I was asked to paint one so I will be doing a couple sketch studies before I start that. Eagles seem to always look pissed off. Also, I have came to the conclusion that my camera is kind of shit.
                                                     Finally got around to doing a painting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Took a break from a commissioned piece I've been working on to stretch my imagination and add some detail/change up this old painting I was unhappy with. It was nice to have something else to work on since I desperately needed a break.

Happy 420!!

Did this for April 20th of this year, just a fun doodle, Finally got around to fine-lining the contour lines, still might paint it in photoshop another day

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dr Seuss Doodle

I was just bored and started doodling in pencil, decided to ink it with pen and this is what came out of it, reminds me a bit of something from Dr. Seuss, might colour it soon.